Applications are closed and presenters have been selected!
We are so excited to introduce to you the speakers for SFCs very first student research festival. This event gives students and young professionals a platform to showcase their hard work and research to a live audience.
Students are the future, and their knowledge and expertise are key factors that will contribute to Canada’s energy transition! Keep scrolling to learn more about the speakers, topics, and how you can tune in to listen.
Dylan Hematillake
When: Mar 29, 2022 @ 03:00 PM Edmonton Topic: How machine learning can be applied to several industries including Canadian resources
Dylan is an Engineer-in-Training and Data Scientist at Suncor Energy under the In-Situ and E&P business unit. His focus is on the development and implementation of explainable digital technologies to improve upstream operations through reduced operational expenses and greenhouse gas emissions.
Dylan graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) in Chemical Engineering, with a specialization in material and manufacturing processes and is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology, with a specialization in machine learning.
Presentation-wise, he will be sharing a high-level overview of the research he submitted and how it can be applied to several industries such as in Canadian resources.
Robinpreet Dhaliwal & Raiya Hassan
When: Mar 30, 2022 @ 10:00 AM Edmonton Topic: An innovative project that aims to convert intermittent solar power into sustainable fuel with a variety of uses
Robin is a final year Chemical Engineering student at the University of Alberta. In addition to being active, curious, social, and self-motivated, she is also passionate about making a positive impact on society. Her defining values are education, community service, compassion, and kindness. This combination led to a passion for creating helpful solutions.
Robin has been a Dean’s Research Award student for several semesters with research focused on Electrostatic Atomization. Robin loves to spend time in nature, read books and cook in her free time.
Raiya is a final year Chemical Engineering student. She is interested in research into sustainable practices and sustainable resource management. Her previous work experiences are working in research of Partial Upgrading of Bitumen and research in Uremic Toxin adsorption in UTI patients as a research assistant at UofA.
Raiya likes snowboarding, playing basketball, or painting in her spare time.
Aaron Charchuk
When: Mar 31, 2022 @ 6:00 PM Edmonton Topic: Environmental consulting in the oil and gas industry and ensuring responsible land development in and around wetland ecosystems Register in advance for this webinar:
Aaron will be discussing his experience as an environmental consultant in the oil and gas industry and ensuring responsible land development in and around wetland ecosystems.
Aaron is in his last year of an Environmental Science Degree at the University of Lethbridge. He has experience working in Northern Alberta and has done research on how wetlands are classified and delineated, the policies put in place to protect these highly valuable ecosystems, and the advancements of GIS methods to improve accuracy and efficiency for better wetland management and protection.
Aaron loves being outdoors, playing baseball, hanging out with friends, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
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