Toronto Electricity Demand to Roughly Double by 2050

On April 11, 2024, the government of Ontario announced that Toronto’s electricity demand is expected to double by 2050.

“Peak electricity demand in Toronto is 4,700 megawatts, which is approximately 20 percent of peak demand for all of Ontario,” the province wrote in a press release. “According to Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator after 20 years of flat electricity demand in the city, Toronto’s peak demand is expected to roughly double by 2050.”

This is due to many things.

As per Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator, this includes the building of new homes, Toronto’s economic growth, the expansion of transit in the city, and the city’s electrification.

When it comes to housing, this is the equivalent of the energy necessary to power at least 285,000 new homes in Toronto.

The fact that, according to the province’s Independent Electricity System Operator, Toronto is an “attractive investment destination and serves as a provincially and nationally significant center for job creation and economic growth,” will also contribute to the projected increase in energy demand. 

The GO Transit Electrification and the new Ontario Line are anticipated to increase demand for Toronto’s system, alone, by 100 megawatts. This is equivalent to adding the demand of the city of Kingston. 

The fourth major point mentioned by the Independent Electricity System Operator is the city’s electrification, which will impose an important strain on the city’s power grid. Indeed, the increased adoption of electric vehicles is an important factor in why the energy demand of the city is expected to double by 2050.

Mayor of Toronto, Olivia Chow, stated that more power supply is essential for the city to be able to meet its climate objectives, operate new transit lines, and to “build [their] way out of a housing crisis.”

How can the province and the city meet such a massive increase in demand, while providing Torontonians with reliable, affordable electricity?

Both governments will need to be pragmatic in their approach to increasing energy supply. 

The city will most certainly need diverse energy sources, from traditional sources of energy to nuclear energy and hydroelectric power. And why not choose Canadian producers, to further reduce costs, environmental impact, and encourage the local Canadian economy?

The government of Ontario has already planned and built more nuclear reactors to meet growing demand. Just today, more than half of Ontario’s power demand is met by nuclear energy. 

Additionally, implementing energy efficiency programs can help alleviate the strain on the grid. 

Another important point is ensuring that, at all levels of government, the regulatory process to approve new energy infrastructure projects is streamlined and not overburdensome. For example, in Canada, it can take up to 15 years for a single new mine to become operational. 

This is especially relevant since the IEA estimates it will require six times more mineral inputs in 2040 than today to hit net zero globally by 2050.

In short, Toronto’s electricity is forecasted to double by 2050 due to growth and electrification, which will pose a challenge for the province and the city. Hence, both must take a pragmatic approach: diversifying energy sources, boosting efficiency, and streamlining regulatory processes to ensure reliability and affordability for residents.

William Diaz-Berthiaume

With an interest in law and politics, William is a political science student at the University of Calgary from Laval, Quebec. William has extensive experience in journalism and business.
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