Harnessing Canada’s Potential in Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage

In the modern era, the global community has been more focused than ever on curbing the negative effects of climate change. As a country rich in natural resources and energy production, Canada has an especially significant role to play. One of the most promising solutions is the technology of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) - an area where Canada has shown immense potential and innovation. 

De nada à Prada/From Nada to Prada: Waste Management

un déchet comprends tous rejets, liquides, solides, ou même, gazeux, qui sont disposés et non désirés découlant de la production d’un bien ou d’un service. Si seulement il y avait moyen de transformer ces déchets malaimés en ressources prisées pour une croissance industrielle responsable! / waste can be defined as any material, solid, liquid or even gaseous, that is disposed or unwanted after something has been made of, done of or after being simply used. But what if, these ugly and unwanted products became beneficial factors, towards a more responsibly produced resource sector?

Choose Canadian Energy!

After YCR member Ryan Fournier published an Op-Ed in EnergyNow relating to his recent campaign and change.org petition to Choose Canadian Energy, Not War Oil, the change.org petition saw a surge of new signatures that put it on the edge of 10,000 signatories! To help us pass the five-digit mark, we are asking you to show your support for Canadian energy by signing the change.org petition and sharing this message with any colleagues, friends, and family members who might also support this message.

I Am Concerned About the Sustainability and Ethics of Seafood Importation into Canada

I am a university student in Quebec, currently doing environmental studies. Throughout my academic journey, I’ve learned a lot about sustainability in the food supply chain. I have also had the chance to do one of my internships for Fisheries and Oceans Canada, which made me more aware of the social, environmental, and economic issues related to fisheries. This is why I am particularly concerned about the ethics and sustainability behind Canada’s importation of seafood.

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